Latest IELTS Writing Task Ideas-Prison and Education

IELTS Writing Recent Question- Prison and Education

Some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to give longer prison sentence. Others think that there are better alternative ways to reduce crime. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

What makes prison life more effective:

- It immediately and effectively removes potentially dangerous criminals from the mainstream society

- It instils fear in the minds of would- be criminals

Why alternatives like education seem better:

- Education is a permanent solution as it eradicates the underlying reasons leading to crimes (poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, extremist ideologies, for example)

- Imprisonment amounts to suppressing the symptoms while education treats the causes 

Well, these are just a few points. Spend some time reading around the topic and you will find many more relevant ideas to include in this recent IELTS writing topic.  


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